Imagine for a second that your life is a map. You are destined for greatness. You only need to know where you are, where you ought to be and the quickest way from Point A to B. I have reasons. I have excuses. Mostly, it’s fear that stops me in my tracks. If I never get over them, I will never become who I’m meant to be. Who knows? One day, I may find myself immortalized in books and magazines. Maybe one day, somebody will come up to me and quote a line from a story I wrote. At the same time, I may also find myself still in the same office doing the same boring things day in and day out. I may grab my destiny by the balls or I may just fall flat on my face. It all depends on the decisions I make, the turns I take and the stops I plan on the map that is my life.
It’s easy to dream. It’s easy to throw all caution to the wind and say I will be exactly who I want to be. It’s the hours and miles in between who I am and who I ought to be that jar me. I am so far from who I want to be. I have dreams as big as skyscrapers and at times, I feel I may not live long enough to see them coming true. They say the Aborigines believed that dreams could be mapped out in song. When you sing these in sequence, you could navigate through vast distances. I plug my earphones in, see my dream in my mind’s eye, and hope that a songline brings me there.
Lord, here comes the flood.
We will say goodbye to flesh and blood.
If again, the seas are silent
It’ll be those who gave their island to survive.
Drink up, dreamers. You’re running dry.
Imagine for a second that your life is a map. May you never lose sight of your dreams.
“I learned that of all the things in life, it’s hope that’s most cruel”
-from cruel hope
medyo challenge talaga na pagsamahin ang artworks ko at ang sulat ni citybuoy. para mo nang pinagsama ang Batibot at MMK, o Si Dora at ang Evangelion. hahaha. check niyo yung cruel hope niya :)